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About Jillian


Jillian has taken her love for colour theory as a cosmetologist and connected the knowledge onto canvases. These paintings were inspired by David's mission for the Tiny Hero Foundation and the self-sacrificing courage and determination of our firefighters, alongside the work that Dr. Crystal Sweeney (CEO, PureSpire) and Tanya Bellefontaine (COO, PureSpire) are doing for their health and wellbeing. 


Being inspired by an encouraging friend, Jillian painted her first painting for Tanya that was meaningful and heartfelt. Seeing how art can speak to the souls of others and touch emotions led her down a path to paint for meaning and connection. Creating art for the amazing firefighters was like a puzzle piece finally in place. 


“Being able to express love and gratitude through art and help give back at the same time is a wonderful gift to me and I am happy to be a part of something so much bigger than just one person. “ - Jillian McClary

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